
Taping for my #MomentsToMentor series starts today; Mentoring video from Purdue is up:

Although my sessions at mentoring sessions at MIT have been taped for the last few years, the plan to have a mentoring series came as a result of a complicated schedule. When I came to UMBC, I started the “When Faculty Say ‘X’ (They Really Mean ‘Y’)” seminar series which later became known as “When Faculty Say ‘X’ …” or the “Faculty X/Y” seminar. The 2014 seminar was held last Friday, but since it conflicted with a flight that I was taking to Chicago to speak at Northwestern for the GEM Grad Lab, my team (who affectionately call themselves #TeamTull) asked me to record a video that could be played in my absence. At the conclusion of the video taping, there was a suggestion that I should tape more often,  and following our Tuesday morning  staff meeting, we confirmed that we would tape on Wednesdays. Today marks the first taping of the “Moments to Mentor” series that will be posted to the PROMISE AGEP’s YouTube page. 

In the meanwhile, here is the video from my talk “The Art of Mentoring” that was held at Purdue last year. The talk discusses the practices that we use for the PROMISE AGEP, a National Science Foundation program that serves graduate students in Maryland.  I was the inaugural speaker for the “Mentoring at Purdue” series, and am honored to be part of the website for the MAP program.


Purdue Youtube2

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